Supported Living

Having Webcare in place for supported living, will allow you to benefit from a more streamlined process, giving you back valuable time to complete your duties.

  • Build schedules easily and allocate staff in seconds

  • Match service requirements to staff and get every shift and visit covered in a few quick clicks

  • Log all hours worked including shared hours and variable rates

  • Define the requirements for each shift or visit, including the services, staff requirements, charges and payments

Match staff to the requirements of the client!

Main Features & Benefits for Supported Living

Client Service Bookings

Scheduler provides an intuitive way to schedule appointments between client/participant and the carer/service provider.

  • Keep track of actual hours of support and services provided for their care plan

  • Service Budgeting – Compare budgeted hours vs actual hours

  • Export staffing hours to payroll

  • Export client services provided for Invoicing

  • Create recurring appointments and set number of occurrences

Manage shifts at the click of a button!

Track Supports Provided

Webcare records hours and days of services provided to the people you support. Helping you keep a budget of the persons support needs.

  • Easy-to-select supports for budget assessment

  • Enter the total budget for each support

  • Admins are able to break that budget down into weekly, monthly and annual amounts with automated totals

Save time with intuitive budget tracking for supports provided!

Report on Services and Export to invoicing

Compile the services supplied to a client and export the results ready to be sent to your invoicing platform.

Webcare connects with data in your system to gather information and provide insights. All data captured is reportable, printable and exportable to Excel or PDF.

Being able to export a selection of clients or individual clients gives you flexibility in your reporting.