Webcare now integrates directly with Oranga Tamariki
We are excited to announce a direct integration of Webcare with Oranga Tamariki.
This will allow you to securely report Bednight records for Shared Care for all Tamariki (child and young person) you support.
Introducing our new Days Away Register
The Days Away Register is a purpose-built module for Oranga Tamariki contracts to record Tamariki bednights away under Shared care.
When Tamariki are away on a short break, it can be added to the Days Away Register. This will replace the current OT Monthly Bednight Usage form for manual processing.
Webcare records bednights for both Primary Care and Away on Short Break, supporting both Caregiver and Carestaff models. These records can then be exported directly through the OT Data Exchange.
Manage all your Provider Contracts
This module also allows you to manage all your Provider Contracts with Oranga Tamariki including your Provider Number, Outcome Agreement Number and required Service Codes.
Multiple Contracts can be independently managed with their individual Contract Numbers, Service description, Rates, Regions, and Start and End dates.
Assign clients to Contracts
You can also assign individual Tamariki to their Contracts and monitor the start and end dates of their OT services.