Community Residential Support

Webcare gives you the tools to manage your residential services and the people you support.

  • Plan a person’s quality of life and enable community participation and inclusion, and maximum independence

  • Focus on the individual, and where relevant their family and whānau

  • Be flexible and responsive to a person’s goals and needs.

Webcares Outcomes module helps organise a persons goals into easy to manage steps, making reaching the outcome more achievable.

Main Features & Benefits for Community Residential Support

Client Service Bookings

Scheduler provides an intuitive way to schedule appointments between client/participant and the carer/service provider.

  • Keep track of actual hours of support and services provided for their care plan

  • Service Budgeting – Compare budgeted hours vs actual hours

  • Export staffing hours to payroll

  • Export client services provided for Invoicing

  • Create recurring appointments and set number of occurrences

Manage shifts at the click of a button!

Client Wallet and Budgets

Ensure the people you supports personal finance is maintained.

  • Maintain client wallet (day-to-day expenses, activity expenses)

  • Keep track of client’s personal items (assets)

  • Record history of current and disposed assets

  • Budget activity expenses and other services

  • Keep track of service budgets

Maintain a clients budget to ensure funding is sufficient to cover all services.

Personal Care Plans

Easily create personal care plans for each client and communicate supports to staff members. Now available on the Staff Mobile App!

  • Record areas of support and dependency needs

  • Personal and family history

  • Allergies

  • Hazards and risks

  • My likes and dislikes

  • Print a clients profile to immediately create a care plan hard copy

Fully customisable to your organisations needs for care plan reporting!