Audits and Exports

Webcare is purpose-built to provide efficiencies in workflows and reporting transparency for auditing to different Ministries including Whaikaha, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry for Children (Oranga Tamariki), ACC, District Health Board, Private care, and NDIS/NDIA.

  • Timesheets ensure each appointment is date-and-time stamped for clock-in and clock-out hours and tagged with GPS locations whenever the services are provided, this also helps in audit requirements for proof-of-service delivery and reviewing the staff performance.

  • Webcare forms offer audit features where we record, by default, the created date-time, created by username, last modified date-time, and last modified by username. An option to track changes can be activated which will maintain different versions of the form as the data is changed.

  • Alert options are available to send an alert to the key user when a form data is modified including the date-time of modification and what was modified. This is especially useful for tracking Incident reports and their progress.

  • Webcare also maintains an admin “Staff Login” which records when a staff last logged-in, and highlights if the login was outside normal hours.

  • All reports in Webcare are exportable to Excel or PDF.

More Features & Benefits for Audits and Exports

Client Bookings

Scheduler provides an intuitive way to schedule appointments between client/participant and the carer/service provider.

  • Keep track of actual hours of support and services provided for their care plan

  • Service Budgeting – Compare budgeted hours vs actual hours

  • Export staffing hours to payroll

  • Export client services provided for Invoicing

  • Create recurring appointments and set number of occurrences

Manage shifts at the click of a button!

Client Wallet and Budgets

Ensure the people you supports personal finance is maintained.

  • Maintain client wallet (day-to-day expenses, activity expenses)

  • Keep track of client’s personal items (assets)

  • Record history of current and disposed assets

  • Budget activity expenses and other services

  • Keep track of service budgets

Maintain a clients budget to ensure funding is sufficient to cover all services.

Manage Personal Plans

Easily create personal care plans for each client. Now available on the Staff Mobile App!

  • Record areas of support and dependency needs

  • Personal and family history

  • Allergies

  • Hazards and risks

  • My likes and dislikes

  • Print a clients profile to immediately create a care plan hard copy

Fully customisable to your organisations needs for care plan reporting!